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## M A R R Y A M P I C ##
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## v1.2 ##
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## by MaVaTi ##
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## January 1996 ##
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Marryampic is a card-game where you must found the pairs of cards.
Firstly, a sample of one pair is played and each player try to find the
two cards in turn.
Marryampic can be launched on any Amiga machine with the kickstart 2.0
or plus. If you still have a ROM 1.3, upgrade, Upgrade, UPGRADE NOW!
It's an order. For a little price, you will be able to enjoy all
the softs using your computer in a very cool way... Know to evoluate!
It depends also of the cardsets you used: AGA can be required for some.
If you boot from a floppy-disk, use the command SetPatch to launch AGA,
and to be able to use AGA cardsets.
¢31;42m* THE START¢0m
In the nice window which appears, you choose the number of players, you
write the name of each players. You can also select if the sample-pair
to found will always change or if it will only change after you found
the pair (easier!). You select also in the cycling gadget, the cardset
you will use: see below º *THE PREFERENCES. You can note that if
you don't change of cardset, Marryampic is intelligent and don't reload
all the files... Some progs should look at that...
If the cardset selected contains 2 graphic versions : ECS (all amiga)
or AGA (amiga with AGA chipset), you can tell which version to use.
(On ECS machine, Marryampic will failed to open 256 colours screen !)
Click OK! to start
¢31;42m* THE GAME¢0m
Firstly, a sample is played, and you must found the two cards of the pair,
corresponding to this sound.
Each players turn two cards in turn. If this is the pair, the two cards
are taken out, else the two cards are put back. The number of all the
pairs found by each player are displayed at the end.
Push SPACE BAR to hear back the sample.
Push the key 'f' to swap the audio filter.
What could I add else ?...
Marryampic supports differents ToolTypes : (Menu Icons/Information)
# Preload= Yes/No
Indicates to Marryampic to preload or not as much as possible samples in
memory. Usefull for floppies users to avoid waiting disk access...
# DirectToDisk= Yes/No
Indicates for samples not preload, how to be played:
In direct to disk : a sample is load and played at the same time
(little memory consumption but locked...)
else a sample is full load then play (memory needed is of the length of
the sample)
Note: a sample of length > 128 Kb is obligatory played in DirectToDisk.
# FlashScreen= Yes/No
Indicates to flash and beep the screen if you don't click on a card.
(depending of the preferences of your WorkBench, Prefs/Sound)
# Filter= Yes/No
Allows to select if the low-pass filter must be activate or not.
# Players= Number of players
Player#1= Name of player1
Player#2= Name of player2
Player#3= Name of player3
Player#4= Name of player4
Allows to save the players by default.
¢4m# Floppy-disk users :¢0m
The ASCII file Marryampic.prefs contains the paths for all the differents
cardset which are available in your CARDS drawer. You must write on a new
line after the line PATHS_CARDS= all the different paths.
This file is usefull for floppy-disks users : you can put a line like :
so Marryampic could access a cardset on disk named 'DISK_CARTOONS:'
The name of the drawer is used in the cardset gadget: see º *THE START.
/!\ You can't have more than 50 differents card-set which I thing is
¢4m# Hard-Disk users¢0m
You just have to rename 'Marryampic.prefs' or delete it, it is obsolete for
you! If this file isn't present, Marryampic will scan the contents of the
directory Cards/ to know which cardsets are available !
So when you install new cardsets you just have to drag their icon drawer in
Cards/ and it's done ! So pleasant...
First, your cardset MUST be in a drawer.
In this drawer you will find :
=> a picture containing all your different pairs+the backdrop :
CardPic.IFF for a ECS display mode compatible all amiga(obligatory)
CardPic_AGA.IFF for an AGA display mode. (optionnal)
If you do not want ECS compatibility then CardPic.IFF should be AGA.
You draw all your cards in the size you want. You must reserve at least
a middle height of your screen free (You draw only one time the pairs !)
You haven't to well centre your cards on the screen (in X&Y), Marryampic
will calculate the spacing for your cards with the infos given in the
file CardInfo.TXT. All the resolutions could be used, and as many
colours as you want... (except HAM-6 and HAM-8 mode.)
Note: The colour number 0 and the number 1 MUST be really different.
( Colour #1 is used to display messages. ) Also note that colours
2&3 are used for the intuition interface, colours 17&18&19 are
used for the pointer... so don't hesitate to swap & remap the
The backdrop card must be placed after all the cards on the left.
/!\ You musn't have more than 50 cards on a horizontal line. Not
enough? uuhh!, write me...
At the start-up Marryampic will open a screen of the width and the
height contained in the file ! New since v1.05 !
=> all the differents samples of your pairs : CardSample-xx.IFF
where xx is the number of the pair from 1 to number of different pairs.
In older version of Marryampic, the files were CardSample#xx.IFF but
archiver like LHA doesn't appreciate those names... (but you can still
use these names !)
The 2 samples 'SampleFound.IFF' and 'SampleFinished.IFF' will be used
during the game if they are present.
=> a descriptive file on how are drawned your cards: CardInfo.TXT
there are lines for :
WIDTH= : width of your cards in number of pixels.
HEIGHT= : height of your cards.
NUMBER_X= : number of cards on a horizontal line.
NUMBER_Y= : number of cards on a vertical line.
SPACING_X= : number of pixels between each cards on a horizontal line.
SPACING_Y= : number of pixels between each cards on a vertical line.
FONT=..../y : the font the screen should use if present (otherwise
it will use the standart topaz/8). (Optional line)
The better thing to make a cardset, is to look at, in the drawer of an ever
done CardSet, all the different files.
The number of the samples for the cards are in this way :
example : position of the pairs 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
The samples and the picture must be in IFF (a standart on our machine,
no problem!)
You can edit the file CardInfo.TXT, with any ASCII editor (ex: MEMACS).
After, you've done it, don't forget to change the Marryampic.prefs to
be able to select your new cardset in the cardset gadget in the start
window (only if you start from floppy disk).
Note that the samples with length greater of 128 Kb can't be preload in
memory. Give them the bigger number xx as possible (because Marryampic
stop preloading samples when a problem occur), to have all the little
samples residents in memory. The bigger will be play in direct-to-disk.
To verify your new cardset is ok, during the loading of the files in memory,
(or in the window of choices for owners of hard disk...) press the SPACE
BAR of the keyboard, you will be able to see each cards and hear the
associated sample for it.
If you make a new cardset, please send me it !
Write to :
Le Douarain Marc
28,rue de la VallΘe du Loch
Write also, to tell me about the existence of some hating bugs or
for some suggestions...
Have fun with your Amiga ... and for a long time :
don't be afraid for the future of your machine, just because it is the only
great family computer available on the market!
- MaVaTi - (before it was MVTman...)